Friday, February 6, 2015

What's in My Bag

One of the things I have on my mental list of things for the new baby is a new diaper bag. I tend to replace the bag whenever a new baby is on the way, so in six years we have used three different bags. I have had my eye on the Lily Jade bag for awhile, but, well, not all of us have hundreds of dollars to spend on diaper bags. So, I am entering a giveaway for the bag by writing this post. And the main reason I pulled myself out of my tired, pregnant stupor to do so was the encouragement of an awesome Mexican Domestic Goddess. :)

I present you my useful, once cute, no tattered, bag:

My bag is not as stuffed as it used to be. When I first had the bag, I would carry a nursing cover (especially necessary for church), lots of diapers, extra baby clothes, and occasionally a sling. On days we go to Mass the bag is also stuffed with our missal plus our three childrens' missals.

This is the stuff I keep in it now:

1. The bottled things: hand sanitizer, Vaseline for baby bottoms, hand lotion.
2. Things for me: my wallet, "dumb" phone, inhaler, chapstick, my paper planner (yes, they still make those), and a few Tums for my nearly constant pregnancy induced heartburn.
3. Epipen: my oldest has weird allergies (banana, watermelon, eggplant...), and you never know when she is going to encounter something she might have a reaction to. We have never needed it and her reactions have always been mild, but better safe...
4. A pen that I can never find in the bottom of my bag when I need it. (Do Lily Jade bags have pen pockets?)
5. Diapers, changing pad, and wipes. At home we do cloth, but I rarely need to do diaper changes when I am out with a mostly potty trained two year old, so on the road we do disposables.
6. Little blue bag: pads of various uses and sizes for me.
7. The chapel veils.
8. Random baby ring toy and two hair clips.

When I go out alone or for a short trip, I throw these things into my purse:

I hope you all enjoyed seeing the useful things I keep in my bag for carrying useful things.

If you want to join in the fun, Nell tells you how to enter on her blog; she is one of the giveaway sponsors.

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