
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Novena to Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin, canonized parents of the Little Flower, begins July 4

I am excited to share a new (to me) novena to Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin this year. I have been praying a novena to the holy Martins for the past four years, and have hosted it on my blog three of those years.

Sts. Louis and Zélie as we will learn through praying this novena lived a very holy life together. They had nine children, four of whom died in infancy or childhood. Their five surviving daughters all joined convents. Four of them including the youngest St. Thérèse of Lisieux became Carmelites, and their daughter who struggled the most to behave Leonie became a Visitation sister after three other attempts to enter the convent. Leonie now has a cause for canonization, and we named our baby who miscarried in November after her. Zélie died of breast cancer at the age of 45, but Louis lived on and eventually died at the age of 71 after suffering from dementia and other illness for six years. The were beatified in 2008 by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis.

The professor and I have been devoted to the Martins since 2009 when we attended a series of talks about them at Carmel in Buffalo, New York. I look forward every year to praying to them up to their Feast day of July 12, which is their wedding anniversary, and have seen and experienced great fruits in my marriages and that of other for whom we have prayed for.

Some friends of came across this particular novena to the Martins in France from Basilique Notre-Dame des Victoires in Paris. They have worked laboriously to translate the novena from French into English and have even obtained permission from the rector of the basilica for me to publish here on my blog.

I am super excited to share this beautiful novena with you.

I will be posting each day of the novena which goes from July 4-July 12 on my blog the night before each day--the date to pray each day will be in the title line of the post.

If you would like to receive it by email you can sign up to receive my blog email updates in the side bar of the home page of my blog.  Or you can follow the novena through my Facebook page.

If you would like to simply print it off, follow this linkfor a PDF of the novena.

I also would love to pray for your intentions during this novena. Please leave any intentions you would like me to pray for during this novena in the comments or feel free to email me at livingwithladyphilosophy at gmail dot com.

I can't wait to pray with you!


  1. Thank you for posting this most beautiful novena, Susanna. Please pray for our priests!

  2. Thank you for posting this most beautiful novena, Susanna. Please pray for our priests!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Oh, wow! The first time I saw Mark, I heard a very clear " this is who I want you to love". It's nice to have aomwtsome in common with saints.😚

  5. Thank you!! Please pray that my husband may grow to show me love the way i see it, in a consistant matter. And I, as he does. Also, for our faith and Mass attendance

  6. Please pray that my destined husband, my soul mate,,the love of my life, my heart desire, my heavenly package will locate me this year in Jesus name I pray..Amen.May I receive the spirit of discernment and wisdom to know him and to choose him when he comes...i pray that the lord miracle worker aligns my life according to his will for my favour...i pray for miracle and I hope that holyspirit visits me at the end of this novena in Jesus name I pray...Amen

  7. Please help me pray that my daughter and my son in law will have a baby soon! thank you. They do want to have a baby and have been married for more than two years! Thank you.

  8. Please pray for my son who is going through heart ache, and please pray for his wife to come to her senses. Thank you.

  9. Please pray for me that GOD will mould me into the woman he wants me to become and that he moulds my future Husband into the Man he wants him to become and that I'd get married to the Man GOD has made for me and that we would both discern and be aligned to GOD'S WILL. That we shall be Chaste, pure, humble and HOLY IN JESUS NAME AMEN. I desire to be a Saint and to have a Holy Happy Marriage and family and that all of us become Saints to the GLORY OF GOD IN JESUS NAME AMEN . Thanks


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