
Friday, November 4, 2016

NCRegister Blog: Our Children Need to Know the Saints

My girls frequently talk about what they will be when they grow up. One says that she would like to be a mom, while another proclaims her desire to be a princess, and another often talks about becoming a sister or nun. Around the canonization day of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, I read the newest book from “The Life of a Saint” series published by Magnificat and Ignatius Press called Mother Teresa, The Smile of Calcutta. Within hours of reading the book, one of my daughters came up to me with the book saying, “I want to be that kind of sister...”

Read the rest at the National Catholic Register...


  1. What age group do you think that the books you mentioned are best started? Too mature for three?

    1. I read them to my three year old (now four), and she really loved them. The illustrations might be enough to keep a three year old interested, and as for the lives of the saints, the content is not too mature but perhaps the concepts might go over a younger child's head. But they will grow into them, and challenging a little mind helps them grow. :)


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